Thursday, May 26, 2011

Teacher Mission 1

For receiving such a beautiful gift as silat, then we should think of giving something back by teaching & helping our students develop properly, not by showing off & making out we know more than we do, or by feeding our ego's. Rather in the interest of keeping our Art alive. For we are only temporary holders of the vessel of life,if we don't share life & art with others, how can it be pass down for others to benefit.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 2 - Continuous

The translation of our form of Pencak Silat - Pukulan Cimande Combat means a system which is like continuous flows of water. Pukulan means Hitting, Cimande is from Cimande River (Water). The secret and key behind all of silat lies in the movements must be of a flowing manner..... to read the full article and future weekly articles on the Silat Combat Principles email or join our Free mailing list at top of blog