Friday, January 23, 2009

New Dvd's Now in Stock €25 (free postage in EU)

Pencak Silat - Vol 1 Langkah, Breathing Application
by Guru Cecep Arif Rahman - Syabandar Panglipur Style

This DVD focusus on basic and fundalmental Body Movements and Breathing

Pencak Silat - The Jungle Warrior
by Guru Syofyan Nadar - Sunua Bayang Style
Guru Nadar presents formidable techniques mainly from Sunua Bayang Style. All techniques of this DVD are shown by several different view angles so that you can understand and analyse each movement perfectly

Pencak Silat - Defence against Blade
Syofyan Nadar Pencak Silat expert, inspired by Harimau Singgalang (sumatra) presents in this DVD all the efficacy of his style in matter of Self Defence against Knives. You will learn more tha 80 ultra effective techniques, hand to hand or with a usual object

Pencak Silat Vol 2 - Lanka, Breathing & Applications
by Guru Cecep Arif Rahman
Syabandar Panglipur Style
Volume 2 Presents basic breathing techniques for extra physical strength. The Syabandar style focus on simple postures that allow you to achieve body-earth harmony.

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