Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Silat Warrior

The Silat Warrior

The Silat Warrior walks fearlessly, with calm grace through the mysterious wonders of Life

His Knowledge has been imparted to him by his Master Teacher – a direct link in an unbroken chain of succession – guided by the sacred Ancestral spirits of his lineage. Forever seeking to refined his own understanding of the Art, the Silat student strives to be worthy of a place, within their ranks, and to be an inspiration to future generations of Warriors.

His skills have been forged and tempered to a razor edge, by countless hours of dedicated practice. His techniques, honed to lethal perfection through direct combative applications in the training ground, now stands ready in the depths of his sub conscious mind – awaiting only a moments warning to serve in his defence. He has intimate knowledge of the Way of the Warrior’s path: Blade, Stick, Swords, Chains.. holding no fear for the Silat Warrior, for they are his constant companions. He also knows that if necessary, he can unite any element in his environment as an extension of his Will to overcome and adversary.

His Spirit, is tranquil and receptive – reflecting the very elements of Creation. The Elements of Water, The Grace of Air, The Stability of Earth and the Destructiveness of Fire all find appropriate expression in his being. He learns the lessons of Nature directly from his wise teachers. He can call esoterically upon the Monkey, Snake, Tiger, Crane and Dragon, well as all of the sacred medicinal herbs of the forest to learn their profound secrets often used his spiritual energy to heal, but also can apply it in ways more destructive order to preserve the lives of those he protects.

His character is the clearest expression of his Spirit. From the elders he has learned Honour and Respect. Remembering the great skills of his teachers bestowing humility upon him. As a result of his realistic training, he has learned the value of his life and therefore regards all life as precious. He would harm if only if face with no other alternative. He is mild in manner, and soft spoken avoiding vulgarity. He is at peace with his convictions and feels no need to confront those who challenge his views. He has absolute faith in the Supreme power that guides his existence and can identify it’s presence in all the many religions that men have created to honour it. He recognized the elements of Truth in all traditions and strives for it within the way of his own chosen path.

Thus armed only with his own strength and wisdoms the Silat Warrior stands ready to accept the Challenge of his Destiny…

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