Sunday, July 29, 2012

Win a Lameco Eskrima Dvd

Win a Exclusive Lameco Eskrima Seminar DVD covering Knife, Stick, and Empty Hands techniques by simply clicking the "Like" button on our club facebook page over the next 10 days anyone who clicks the like button or introducing someone to our page by sharing or posting or club page, will be enter into a draw and the winner will be sent this Exclusive Prize. Winner announce on Tuesday 7th Aug.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

How Much for Class?

When I first started training in Silat a great teacher informed me there were two ways to pay him, the first being "Sweat, Tears and Blood" the second "Lots of Money" he then went on to say, the first option was the preferred form of payment, but the latter would also be acceptable.

I was very young at the time, and never really thought of the relevance of that statement. I mean if you offered people the choice of very little money v lots of money, surely students would always pick the less money option? However as the years and now decades (lol) have passed I see now what that simple statement was truly about. Students especially today fail to understand which of the two options is actually the cheaper, they think the Sweat, tears and blood, since it's not cash is the cheaper option, while in fact nothing could be further from the truth. These 3 aspects means a) to learn the art you will need to sweat not just one night, but every night, tears will come when you body is sore and you can't give more and you force yourself on through the pain, and Blood will come from your body when you make mistakes and your body has to heal. When face with this maybe paying with money is better? Many students fail to see things from the Instructor side, or how he feels about his relationship with each student. For me I have had my heart broken many, many, many times with students, who I put years into, only to see them not value what their teacher puts into them in Sweat each and every night, in physically teaching them. Tears from the family you have to leave behind, so you can be there for your students in class and Blood from your body as it wears out from the endless hours you keep giving as a teacher. For me the journey of this statement has brought me here to where I have two types of students 1) the student who values what I give them as the value of the money they give me, no loyalty, no commitment, no extended friendship is required of the student nor the Instructor ( a fact often forgotten by students) it purely professional. Or 2) They become real students, who are dedicated and fully committed to learning, who will form a loyal link, who will turn up and train hard, will work hard throughout class, and train at home, learning and developing so at the next class they are ready to progress, appreciating and believing in what they have learnt for their teacher. When a student actually does this (and not lip service) then I fully believe they are paying the correct way, and in a manner to which the art can be created and developed in the student in a pure way. Many students fail to understand the true price that needs to be pay to learn, and hybrid between the two expecting to the teacher to pay in Sweat, Tears and Blood, while they pay little money. That is a very unhealthy relationship for any teacher and one they cannot continually pay.

So in conclusion, be truthful to yourself and ask yourself, do I actually pay the correct amount in any of the two options? Do I truly value the time and energy my teacher gives me and is that sustainable for both sides...... Train hard and remember a Martial Arts Instructor is not just for gradings, he for every week night class as well

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A clip of the Lameco Eskrima training we been doing in class this Month. Lameco Eskrima is one of the fastest growing Eskrima styles in Ireland, with it's straight forward streamline combat system. The training is deign into easy to learn modules, for instructors and students, no endless patterns, no forms, just techniques that help you learn quickly and will work on the street. We are looking for Martial Arts Instructors who would like to introduce this art form into their club / school etc.. or for students who like to train in Lameco by attending our classes or workshops. There are seminar dvd's available directly from this blog site or ur website with free world wide postage.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lameco Workshop Stalemate Module

Excellent first Lameco Eskrima workshop on the 2012 / 13 Calendar and a fantastic turnout for the workshop as it was fully booked, so looking for bigger venue for sept.

This was the Knife stalemate module and all the students who train at the workshop will be able to test on this module at the next Lameco workshop in Sept. Students started of the workshop covering the basic Siniwali (Double Stick) #1 -#4 before moving onto the Pasunkit Kanan / Kaliwa (Thrust counters) Aldabis Kanan / Kaliwa (Upward Counters) and finishing on Kadena Reyal (Chain Counters). This was the first time these techniques have been taught to the students. Following this students learnt the 12 Angles of Attack with the Knife, while the Advance students learnt the Double Strike Angles of the cane, which brought a whole new edge to the training and understanding of the strike patterns. Following on students began to learn the fundamentals of sparring with the sticks and the core ethos of Lameco in striking. After a short break student began working on the 8 core techniques of Knife Stalemates and a clearance of the center line drill at the end, which helps students create space in close range encounters against an aggressive attacker. So a lot of ground was covered and it was great to be back training in the art again.

We are currently helping to spread the art of Valencia Lameco Eskrima in Ireland and UK and if you're interested in attending / hosting a workshop, or interested in learning for yourself, or introducing it into your club or students, get in touch and we work a way for you to get the full benefit s of this very combat streamline art. Next Module is Hold Up and will be in Late Sept. Keep up to date by clicking the "Like" on our Facebook page or by checking out our website

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


After reading a recent post by a Martial Arts Instructor, complaining that his students stole his techniques, I began to ponder how is this possible? How can A Student steal techniques ? For me a teacher role is not a path pave with gold, and if your desire is to makes loads of money, or be glorified then teaching may not be the wisest choice. Teaching however, is a terrific way to find a passion and belief in life. Teaching is about giving (not taking) freely, it's helping others find and discover the knowledge. No teacher holds the divine right to the sole knowledge. Knowledge belongs and can be share with everyone, it cannot be control, or took back in a fit of rage. It be like a Mother or Father saying to their child, "Give me back all my love as you stole it from me" all we can hope for as Martial Arts Teachers or Parents is give from the heart and hope it finds a home, can grow and is one day returns back, when we see our student or child grows and they become the teacher or parent and so the circle of life and knowledge grows. Secondary we as Martial Arts Teachers only know our knowledge, because of others who came before us, warriors, teachers, leaders, farmers, guardians etc... all added to the knowledge that we now teach, each of them connecting to the thread and web we now at this moment are nourishing / spinning and is the same way future generations will add to what we have done. Because of our inner ego's which seem in this modern age in some people is running amok and unhindered, has made some Martial Arts students believe they have created something brand new and original, while all they have really done is re invent the wheel. The basic problem is that we as human havn't change very much in past 2000 years, we still have two arms, two legs and move in a certain way. Sure we can add subtle changes to the combat arts, but please don't believe you are a creator of something new, because what you are is a "Guardian" for a limited time of this knowledge, what you do with this unique gift is up to you. Don't be like Gollum and become bitter with your precious gift but instead reach out and help people, expect little and be surprize greatly, expect loads and be disappointed. On a final note last night a student did a act of kindness to me which was completely unexpected, and i really appreciate what he did and give me. It little moment like this, that you feel the warmth that comes from teaching.

Monday, July 9, 2012

A clip of our Urban Silat Summer Camp, which was held last month in Kilrea, Co. Derry.  45 students got together to train in the unlimited combat system of silat. If you like to join one of our classes you are more than welcome, join us on facebook, or check our