A week can be a long time in Martial Arts and the past 7 days was no exception to this rule. On one end was a teacher who is one of the greatest Martial Artist's in the World (Felix Valencia) who travel over to train us, and during his visit and seminar mixed and trained with everyone, no matter what level or ability. To the other end where a Junior student with a couple of grades, refused to train with another student and laying down ultimatums. What was the difference in theses two Martial Artists ?? A great big wallop of Self importance and Ego shown by the Junior !
Ego mixed with martial arts politics is a scrooge that go hand in hand with Martial Arts across the world. For some reason, some students are prone to this. In my belief all students no matter their religion, sex, age or level of ability or equal and everyone trains with everyone else full stop! This is one of my few cardinal rules in my Clubs and Association and if a student won't agree than they can find another teacher very quickly.
Ego is something which you need to keep in check as it can ruin your relationship very quickly with your fellow students and teacher. It also stops you ability to learn or to have empathy to understand a situation or the ability to forgive. Forgiveness along with theses other characteristics are not signs of weakness, but signs of strength and maturity. Having a ego stops you from learning or trusting as you start to believe what you know is better than what the teacher is showing.
When you look at another person, look for the positive things in that person and don't start comparing yourself. Enjoy the wonderful opportunities you have been allowed to experienced in your club and under your teacher. Work with the other students on a equal bases and you find threads of common goals that will help your continual development. And Finally stop worrying about the fragment of wood that caught in your friend eye, when there a great old piece of tree trunk sticking into yours.. otherwise you ain't perfect in fact No one is !! except me (ego speaking here lol) onto next time Train hard and Train well