Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pukulan Cimande Logo

I've been asked a few times about one of our Logo , so I thought a quick overview was in order. The logo is from our Pukulan Cimande side of training. The circle represents the "Circle of Creation" the training area in class or the area surrounds us. A place where we can learn and discover new techniques or new paths in training.

The 4 Animals represent the 4 Areas / Ranges of the Art. The Tiger is the Ground Fighting, showing students what to do if there thrown to the ground, learning to use your feet like hands. Developing Power and Strength. Monkey represents the Grappling, inc Knees, elbows, bone breaking and locking. This section is linked to water and the ideal behind this is to teach students to flow and be fluid with movement Crane is the Striking section inc Punches, Kicks and evasive Footwork. Helping students to learn how to breath properly. Snake is the close range, weapon system, learning to developed explosive electric power from within.

The triangle represents the core areas of us Mind, Body and Spirit. Combining these 3 Core area's with the 4 animal ranges we create the Raja Naga. This is the finish product and for each student their Raja Naga is personal. It's is the best you can become, using your uniqueness. Thou each student journey is personal, it is connect by the silat thread, which all students are connected to and developed by their Guru. Most students can't see this at the start, but as they advance they can begin to see the thread, this is often referred to as "Vision of the Thread" At the start, maybe in isolated moments, but later as a continuous movement. So that is a short overview of our Cimande Logo