Martial Arts Training, is not something that takes a tremendous amount of intelligence to grasp. However, just like assembling your office furniture or your kid’s toys on Christmas eve, you do need to read and follow the instructions.
Most Martial Artist understand this, but this is exactly where the problem starts for the majority of them. Imagine you’re assembling a new desk for your office. And, instead of reading the specific step-by-step instructions for that particular piece of furniture, you took the instructions from several different pieces of furniture and started following steps from different sheets at random.
I’m sure you can see where this is going – you’d soon have a confused mess on your hands.
Without following the instructions that were created to build that particular piece of furniture, you’ll soon be lost. And, by following steps randomly or out of sequence, you’ll likely have to go back, disassemble your work, and start all over again at some point in the process. This usually leads to confusion, frustration and apathy. Which ends in them giving up in the art and leaving the training.
There was a recent survey done, where it said that people nowadays living in the era of Instant Information Super Highway (classes, seminars, privates, dvd, social media, emails, Youtube, webinars, downloads, skype etc..) only have to do something wrong "once", and they begin to question the value of what they doing, and there so much choice for us. So make sure you are reading the correct Instruction manual for what you want to learn and give yourself a proper chance for your journey and follow your teacher (if you lucky to have one) advice!
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