Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pendekar Sanders Seminar: Dublin Apr 2008 Vol 1.

Pendekar Sanders return to Ireland in 2008 for the 10th Anniversary Seminar of his first seminar in Ireland. Over the two days Pendekar Sanders taught in deep insight the Cabang and Keris. We are proud to releash the first of two vol seminar dvd covering material taught for the very first time in Europe.

Vol 1 Covers all the Seminar material related to the cabang. The cabang is the traditional Cimande trident blade. This is the opportunity to experience the 8 Jurus and their various combat application taught by Pendekar Sanders.

1. Tikam Menikam - Twist Stab
2. Perangkap Melukai - Moved by Stabbing
3. Pukulan Pintal - Twist Strike
4. Pukulan Membalekkan - Inverted Strike
5. Cabang Blakok - Crane Form
6. Pukulan Ayer Terjun - Waterfall Strike
7. Pukulan Tumpul - Blunt Strike
8. Pukualn Pilan - Spiral Strike

If you like to order Vol 1 : Cabang the cost is €25 includes post and package to anywhere in Europe. To order contact

Vol 2: Combat Keris - Coming soon!!!

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