Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pukulan Cimande Combat Blueprint

This is the blueprint for our training. It is not set in stone, as a Silat Fighter is train to adapt and change to meet the numerous differences in self defence, he / she may experience. However most Attacks do follow a general overall plan, and so the blueprint deals with this.

#1 Move rhythmically and slowly to mentally calm and bring the opponents level of anxiety and adrenaline down.

#2 When the opportunity arises explode at the opponent using off -timing Zig Zag (Kilap ) footwork with stomping and slapping to add to auditory and visual disruption.

#3 As you enter your Attacker space destroy his base with powerful strong kicks, like the Lead Leg Joint Kick, low line Hook Kick adding smashing fast punches like the Back Hand Speed Punch to the face.

#4 If the Attacker is not stopped, attacked his Vulnerable nerve centers in soft targets such as eyes, throat, groin etc.. adding in Elbow and Knee strikes to weaken the attacker. Use Sweeps or pushes to knock the Attacker to the ground.

#5 If during stage #2 the Attacker evades your Kilap footwork , or proves to quick for you, than close the gap either with Pukulan Wall ( a series of fast penetrating punches and kicks) or use constantly changing decoy postures, which are done at various heights and speed to draw an attacker into a false weakness, which you can re -counter and go into stage #3

#6 If the attacker at any times grabs you and cant re - counter his hold, and he throws/pushes you to the ground, drop into Harimau Ground Fighting Postures and start striking the attackers ankles and knees, destroying his based and bringing him to the ground.

We be covering aspects of the Pukulan Cimande Combat Blueprint in classes from Monday 11th May to Thursday 21st May along with Advance Crane Mannerisms.

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