Monday, August 29, 2011

Double Handd Choke Defence

This is a example of a defence against an attacker who is trying to choke you with both hands. The finger jab strike needs to be done as hard and as fast as you can, towards the attackers Windpipe/ Throat

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Silat Concepts of Time - Stage 5

Silat Concept of Time. Stage 5 The Time of Knowing and Giving. At the stage the Student is becoming a Teacher, his movements inspires and reveals more than it restricts. There are no thoughts or hestitation. He is watch and respected by younger members of the silat family with increase feeling of awe, and his guidence is sought by them to help in their development.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Silat Concepts of Time - Stage 4

Silat Concepts of Time. Stage 4 The time to Perfect. At the stage the student has began to reach the final stages of the physical body, where the physical actions are becoming second nature, where each movement is flowing with energy and strength. The students feels each movement from within and can tell if anything is out of place.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Silat Concepts of Time Stage 3

Silat Concepts of Time - Stage 3 Time to Execute. At this stage the physical movements, which the student has learnt are put together. Through the merging of the flowing fluidity nature of the art, with the combat techniques, a deadly, fascinating, dynamic partnership is being form between student and art.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Silat Concepts of Time - Part 2

Silat Concepts of Time . Stage 2 The time to Learn. During this time the correct understanding between student and teacher moves forward and strengthen. The student physical movements and balance are modified and the education of the body is developed to blend with Silat

Monday, August 1, 2011

Concepts of Time Stage 1

The time to understand. This is the stage where a student begins to understand the concept of the art, and begins to move the way the art wants him to move, the time of letting go and placing faith in your teacher and the art. By only allowing yourself fully to understand can real progression in mind and body be truly develop.