Valencia Lameco Level 1 Knife Defense Certify Instructor
in Valencia Lameco Eskrima Knife Defense .
Level 1 Modules ( Knife Defence)
in Valencia Lameco Eskrima Knife Defense .
Level 1 Modules ( Knife Defence)
Module 1: Basics Lameco
Module 2: Fight From a Stalemate (Extreme close combat)
Module 3: Hold Ups (threats)
Module 4: Full Speed takedowns and disarming)
Module 5: Knife Fighting on the Ground
Basics Lameco module is prerequisite to the participation of all other modules after that the Modules can be completed in any order.
The module series Level 2 Knife Offense starts at a later date.
Lameco Classes are held every Saturday morning in the Fitness Dock Gym, Camden St. Dublin 2. These classes focus on all areas of Lameco Eskrima both Empty Hands and Weapons.
We also teach these Modules in Workshops and if you like to host a Workshop covering any of these modules, or attend a Lameco Workshop please contact Guru Liam 087 9956569 email guruliam@hotmail.com
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