18 Standing Cimande Jurus
The Jurus are the foundation or base work of Pukulan Cimande they are the master keys. Once mastered they can be broken down and used for defensive applications.
Jurus #1 and Jurus #2 are know as the male and female Jurus of the system. The #1 Jurus starts all the odd numbers and Juru #2 all the even numbers. This is important to remember when you start practicing and learning the Jurus. All the Jurus are learned on both the right and left sides. Starting from the Simba postion a cat stance with a shaolin hand position, left hand covering the right fist, or as in number 2 where the forearm is held even with the floor and two fingers on the wrist.
The Jurus all begin with a stomping motion of the feet. To assimilate the stepping or stomping of the opponent's feet, to pin, punch or break? The Jurus can be trained with a fluid motion, or a slow training motion with snapping on each motion or as an aggressive attitude all out! Using speed, snap, timing, and power, along with a mental key word to start your aggressive approach to the Jurus. In the break downs of the Jurus the keys to defences in Silat. "Thought" We don't just block we punch or break, to destroy whatever comes.
Jurus Attitudes - what they train!
In the attitude of
Jurus #1 it is a destruction jurus, teaching to hit, enter and destroy.
In the attitude of
Jurus #2 it is to hit, catch, and break using an upward hitting motion.
In the attitude of
Jurus #3 it is the use of circular motion to catch to parry, and the application of the long range uppercut (sangsot)
In the attitude of
Jurus #4 it is the development of the inner gate jurus (dalam) working on the inside of a punch with parrys to elbow (sikut)
In the attitude of
Jurus #5 this is another elbow jurus, to develop throwing it after blocking across body.
In the Attitude of
Jurus #6 it is the development of ricochet hitting off of your own body to hit back to the opponent. Using forearm, shoulder, thigh.
In the attitude of
Jurus #7 in teaches the dropping into a lower level and destruction of upward attacks and the outside ot inside wing type blocks.
The attitude of
Jurus #8 it teaches the first combining of jurus. It teaches the flowing from one into the other using a combination of juru #1- #6-#3
The attitude of
Jurus #9 this is the application of the first simultaneous parry and sweep motion (sapu)
The attitude of
Jurus #10 this juru is a revolving jurus in that it teaches, to move into two different directions front to back, then back to the front again. Pivoting on the heels of the feet.
The attitude of
Jurus #11 In this jurus again you develop a lead leg sweep (sapu) to the outside of the body followed with a elbow (sikut).
The attitude of
Jurus #12 is to learn to defend against low/Middle kicks, with parries to change levels to strike lower vital targets.
The attitude of
Jurus #13 in this jurus you develop the method of multi-angle hitting (pukul)
The attitude of
Jurus #14 this jurus you develop the method of moving forward and using circular motions to block/parry and counter simultaneously.
The attitude of
Jurus #15 this again is a combination jurus which includes #14- #6- #3 and the attributes of the these jurus combine. Circular motion, with Ricochet hit and follow up with in long range uppercut (sangsot)
The attitude of
Jurus #16 this jurus, develops the application or motion required to open up, the center line, to catch kicks, and enter to apply leg sweeps and follow ups.
The attiude of
Jurus #17 a multiple attack jurus, you develop moving from two directions forward and behind, and develop changing from a high line to a low line, back to a high line. using elbows and spear hands.
The attitude of
Jurus #18 In this juru syou are learning the principle of bamboo, to take a blow or punch and recover into a counter attack follow up.